Emotional Freedom Technique

This can be used for physical or emotional pain.

Rub the tips of your fingers together. It should be smooth. That’s an indicator of your Chi. Say out loud “my name is . . . “ (say your name) your finger tips should stay smooth. Next, say out loud “my name is . . . “ (i.e. Plato) your finger tips should become rough or drag. When you have a drag, your Chi is interrupted. It indicates that what you have said is not a truth.
If it is not smooth when you say your name, find the sore spot under your collar bone about 3 inches from the beginning (by your throat). Rub in a circle from the top to your left arm, down then toward the right with pressure until you can get a smooth feeling between you fingertips.
To begin the EFT process, ask yourself questions to find out the highest priority for you to work on:I need to address: my health, emotions, relationship? One will be more smooth than others, work on that one.
If it’s health, rub your finger tips together and ask: “Is it heart, kidneys, spleen, lymph glands, stomach, pancreas, intestines, heart muscle, heart valves, liver, gall bladder, thyroid, parathyroid, thymus, adrenals, right lung, left lung, diaphragm, duodenum, arterials system, energy, blood sugar, circulatory system, endocrine system, aura . . . “ the one that is the most smooth is what you need to work on.
If it’s emotional, you’ll most likely be aware of the exact object of attention. If not, ask questions while rubbing your finger tips together until you get a smooth reaction.
When you have isolated what you are going to work on, again rub your finger tips together and ask if the degree of the issue is a “1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10” until you get your dragging response. If it’s an 8, you will continue to do the EFT sequencing until you get a “0” response.
Write out several statements about the issue. When my lower back began having spasms every day, I knew it wasn’t physical because it began within a few days of when I began to help my brother with his help issues. It is typically “the weight on my back”. The statements included “I don’t like being in pain, I am slowed down by my back pain, I can’t dance when my back is in pain, I can’t get a restful night’s sleep when my back is in pain, I don’t want to date anyone with my back in pain, I am limited by what physical activity I can do because my back is in pain.”

The Process
Holding your hands up tap the sides of your hands together about an inch below where your little finger begins while saying “Even though my (state situation like “my back is in pain”) I deeply and profoundly love and accept myself.”
With your right index finger, begin the tapping sequence at the beginning of your eyebrow (sore spot and an indent, near your nose) Say one of your statements out loud while tapping (“I don’t like being in pain”)
Tapping at the end of your eyebrow (sore spot and indent) while saying your next statement.
Tapping under your eye (an indent, near your nose) while saying your next statement.

Tapping under your nose while saying your next statement.

Tapping at the crease where your chin begins while saying your next statement.
Tapping your collar bone (about 3 inches from the inside edge underneath the collar bone, search for the sore spot) while saying your next statement.
Tapping under your arm (about 5 inches below your armpit, feel for the sore spot) 3 while saying your next statement.
Tapping your with both index fingers, the right and left rib bone directly under the breast (liver meridian) while saying your next statement. If you run out of statements start at the beginning
Tapping your index finger on the top of your head while saying your next statement
You may do as many repetitions sequences as you choose but always end at the top of the head.
Between repetition sequences , rub your finger tips together and ask if the degree of the issue is a “1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10” until you get your dragging response. If it’s an 8, you will continue to do the EFT sequencing until you get a “0” response. Skip the ring finger
When you have achieved a “0” create new statements, all positive and repeat the sequence.

Print out the step-by-step process EFT pdf